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Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring ahead!

Yup, that’s right—it’s already the time of the year to set your clocks one hour ahead with the start of daylight savings time. It's happening this Sunday, March 8th, at 2:00 a.m.

So what to do with that extra hour of daylight after you get home from work or school?  Personally, I’ll be spending more time outside with my coming 3-year-old, working on ground driving lessons. I have a friend’s coming 2-year-old that is in dire need of ground work as well.  Having an extra hour of daylight in the evening will enable me to accomplish both of those tasks, so I guess it also means the end of the winter habit of coming home and parking myself in front of the PC or TV because it’s too dark outside to get anything done.

While we’re adjusting our clocks forward, this is a good time to double check our vaccination schedules and make sure we’re on target for getting our horses' West Nile Virus vaccinations handled before things warm up much and the mosquitoes start making their presence known.  It’s also a great time to schedule an annual trailer inspection and make sure your floors are solid with no signs of rot, your tires are in good shape, your brakes are working well and all of your running lights are good to go.

Daylight savings time means more time outside and more hours in the saddle. I, for one, am thrilled to see it coming, even if it means I lose an hour of sleep this weekend.

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