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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Little Quiet Time

Do you ever feel like you have so much to do you’re never going to get it all done? Do you ever wish for a simpler life? I do on a regular basis. The only time I really contemplate or get things sorted out is when I’m sick. Sitting at home these past few days has made me stop and think about what it would take to have a simpler life.

Look at our horses. They live to see us two or three times a day to eat, though I actually believe they enjoy our company, too.

Nothing makes me feel more at ease than when I’m around the horses. The sweet smell of hay and warm bodies at the end of the day is more relaxing than a glass of wine. They listen without judgment or expectation. What better friend can we have?

I always feed and care for my horses, even when I’m sick. It’s the one thing that gets me up and moving, even if only for a few moments. The few times I was unable to care for them this past summer were really difficult for me. I enjoy their smell, their excitement to see me, and their playful natures as I kick them loose from their stalls in the morning.

I have to be careful with all the new ways to interact with people. It’s much easier to stay engaged online with email, Facebook, Twitter and all the other avenues we use to communicate, but I sometimes find myself pining for the simple days of reading books, going to the library or engaging with people face to face. I know that social networking has opened up more ways to connect with a larger group of people faster than ever before, but is it too much stimulation?

For the person who has a hard time saying “no” or who feels like every email needs a response, it can be overwhelming. I long for the summer days of camping and having a quiet cup of coffee with no TV, computers or outside stimuli.

I need to enjoy the quiet times and learn to simply turn off the computer when it's time to quit for the day. Finally, I need to be thankful for the industry I’m in and the people I interact with -- to enjoy the moments I'm given.

Let me know how you get away from it all. What rejuvenates you and gets you excited about life again? What gets you dreaming and planning for the future? Send me a note. I’d love to get some feedback!

Thanks again for joining me. You input is greatly appreciated. Now go have an awesome day!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I find that email especially, helps me keep in touch with my many friends acquaintances world wide and that in itself keeps me energized and excited for each new day.

I also find riding and/or ground work w/my horses and training session w/my dogs keep me focused forward and has it's own form of mental soothing.

Weekend workouts at dog shows, horse shows, clinics, camping, all keep me excited about doing something after a long week of work and keep me focused forward and less resentful of having to spend the full week working.

I have found the wonders of ebooks so I can spend time reading things on my smart phone when I want to escape into a different world & I can do it anywhere I have my phone, I never thought I'd be so wired into the world at 43 but now I can't believe how much more freedom it affords me to do what I want!

If you're missing camping, I'd suggest loading your camper, your dog and husband and take a weekend camping trip even in this wet season it's a lot of fun to go park at the coast line and listen to the ocean storming on the beach :-)

KarYn (with a Y)

January 13, 2010 at 10:23 AM  

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