The Northwest Horse Source

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Learning New Things ~ Please Be Patient

Today I’m not quite sure if I agree technology has made life easier. As owner and publisher of the Northwest Horse Source, responsibility to get things done ultimately falls on me. This is not necessarily a bad thing as I really should know every aspect of the business and be an integral part of planning how things should go. I’m just a very paper driven, hands on person. It’s why I believe print books and magazines will be around for many years to come!

Part of this process will be to ask you, our readers and viewers, to be patient as I wrap myself around processes that I’ve not done in a while. My late editor was a wonderful part of the team and I’m missing her already. She was very instrumental in setting up systems and working towards virtualization for our office. I’m in front of a computer all day but somehow I’m not very techie. I’ve always gotten by with only learning as much as I need to accomplish the task at hand.

I’m asking for your patience as I keep up with the old site, produce the newsletters and participate in the development of a new site. I’m at max learning capacity but the new website will be worth the wait!

I’ll continue to connect with you each Wednesday through the end of this month. The plan is to have the new site launched by the end of February.

So please be patient with our staff here at the NWHS. We have a new editor, Gavin Ehringer, who is bringing some real experience to the magazine. Our graphic designer, Heather, is off on maternity leave so we have a very qualified helper named, Charlie who will be designing ads for the magazine during the month of February.

Meanwhile, enjoy the mild weather and ride your horse!

Karen Pickering, Publisher NWHS


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