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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why Do We Have Horses?

Life can be difficult. Recent history has proven this for many of us. We’re blasted by the economic downturn every time we turn on the news. Many have suffered as a result of recent events.

I do believe that we have to take responsibility for our lives. It’s so easy to blame others for our misfortune. What do I have to be thankful for? I find gratitude always brings a new light to dark situations. We need to focus on what’s right, not what’s wrong. I believe it’s that way with our horses. I’ve been very fortunate over the years with relatively minor injuries and small veterinary bills. My time came this past year but I’m still looking forward to enjoying both my horses in the year to come.

Throughout difficult times the horses are my sanity. Caring for them, cleaning their stalls, feeding them; it’s what makes my day worthwhile. I think I enjoy taking care of them as much as I do riding. There is something magical and mystical about horses. They sense storms and dash around the pen in anticipation of the rain and wind. They are truly amazing. They bring calm when everything else seems to be overwhelming.

Even so, I think the practical side of horse ownership can be misleading. No doubt about it, horse keeping is expensive. It’s not for weak budgets or inexperienced beginners who are unaware of the cost of keeping horses. I believe its part of the reason we have so many unwanted horses today. People get in over their head and have no place to turn but let the horses go, or worse, stop caring for them. The problem truly belongs to all of us.

I’m thankful I’ve had horses most of my life and have acquired my horse keeping essentials. I would not want to start over today. Even so, I believe there are many ways to cut horse-keeping costs and enjoy our horses. Through reading and research we have the opportunity to educate ourselves about horse care. There are so many great resources out there. We really are very fortunate.

In an upcoming newsletter I will ask you to share ideas on horse keeping with other readers. As a community we have an opportunity to share our ideas and help others on their journey as well as our equine companions.

We’ll publish some of the ideas. Send them to In the subject put “horse-keeping tips”. Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas.

I’d also like to ask you to share why you have horses? Send me an email with “Why I have horses” or Why I have a horse” in the subject line and send to

Thanks for stopping by!

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